These images were collected for the photo interpretation and delineation of submerged aquatic vegetation (mainly Zostera marina or Eelgrass) in Long Island Sound. These data are a continuation of other USFWS efforts to map eelgrass in previous years.
1 foot (30cm) pixels. 4 bands. Captured on June 28, 2017. Delivered in Connecticut State Plane NAD83 (2011) meters.
210 square miles over the coasts of southeastern Connecticut, north fork of Long Island New York and a small piece of southwest Rhode Island.
Map Service. Look for Imagery-Coastal at the bottom of the list on the Map Services page to access the REST endpoint for the service.
Aerial Imagery Viewer. Click on Layer List in the upper right hand corner and be sure 2017 Color E Coast or 2017 Infrared E Coast is checked on
and no layers above it are checked on and hiding it.
United States Geological Survey
University of Rhode Island Environmental Data Center
Suzanne Paton
Southern New England Coastal Program
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Mike Bradley
Environmental Data Center
University of Rhode Island