CT Aerial Imagery

A One Stop Shop for Aerial Imagery

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Imagery Featured on CT ECO

2023 Imagery

Coming Soon! Leaf off, 4 bands, 6 inch pixels, tide coordinated.

2019 Imagery

Leaf off, 4 bands, 6 inch pixels, tide coordinated.

2016 Imagery

Leaf off, 4 bands, 3 inch pixels, tide coordinated.

2012 Imagery

Leaf off, 4 bands, 1 foot pixels.

1934 Aerial Photos

Mostly leaf off, grayscale.

CT ECO also serves many dates of statewide imagery captured in both the spring (leaf off) and summer (leaf on). To view the imagery, visit the Aerial Imagery Viewer. To connect to it, visit the Map and Imagery Services page.

Also learn about the 1934 Aerial Photos and the 2017 Eastern CT Coast Aerials.

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Imagery Viewers

Aerial Imagery Viewer 

View and interact with Connecticut's digital aerial imagery going back to 1990.

CT 2016 Imagery Viewer

The 2016 imagery is a simple viewer

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Image Services

There are five categories of imagery services on the Map Services page that include over 20 imagery services. Look for:

Imagery - Spring Statewide
Imagery - Summer Statewide
Imagery - Historic
Imagery - Coastal

Imagery - Other Areas

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Imagery Download

2023 Aerial Imagery
(Coming Soon)
(4 bands, 3 inch pixels) Project Home |  Metadata
2019 Aerial Imagery (4 bands, 6 inch pixels) Project Home |  Metadata
2016 Aerial Imagery (4 bands, 3 inch pixels)
Project Home |  Metadata
2012 Aerial Imagery (4 bands, 1 foot pixels)
Project Home |  Metadata
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Imagery Information and Help

Connecticut's Digital Aerial Datasets. A table listing all of the digital imagery datasets including basic facts like bands, season and pixel size.

2019 Aerial Imagery Information

2016 Aerial Imagery and Elevation Information

2012 Aerial Imagery Information

CT Aerial Imagery Viewer Help

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How to Connect to Imagery

The imagery is served as an image service using Esri's ArcGIS Server.

Connect with ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS Online is a website by Esri that provides a platform for using, creating, and sharing maps, apps, and data, and accessing authoritative basemaps. CT ECO uses ArcGIS online to share many of Connecticut's maps and make it possible for users to save and make changes to the maps.

Connect with Google Earth. Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographical information program.

Connect with ArcPro. ArcPro is the newest desktop GIS software by Esri. It is not free.

Connect with ArcGIS. ArcGIS is a desktop GIS software by Esri. It is not free.

Connect using WMS.

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Other Sources of Connecticut Imagery

CT State Library. Archives of aerial surveys which some online.

Air Photo Archive Viewer from UConn Map and Geographic Information Center (MAGIC). Contains photo centerpoints with popups that link to the canned photo.