Update: 2023 Aerials and More
It is high time for a data update! The final aerial tiles including true orthos* were delivered a few weeks ago and a statewide, final, dynamic, image service is now available on CT ECO! Find the service on the Map and Image Services page under Imagery – Spring Statewide, then 2023 ,4 band, 3 inch, […]
[Read More]First 2023 Aerials Delivery
I am happy to report that the first batch of 2023 aerials has been received, published, and is looking good! The first delivery consisted of all of block 1 (parts 1 and 2) and parts 1 and 2 of block 4. The aerials are currently available as a dynamic image service on CT ECO. A […]
[Read More]Connecticut Soil Survey Updates – Fall 2023
Written by Jacob Isleib, State Soil Scientist The USDA NRCS, Soil and Plant Science Division refreshes the publicly available soil survey database once a year. This Annual Soils Refresh (ASR) provides new soils data, updates to existing soils data, and new soil interpretations. The ASR also ensures all official soils data adhere to the same […]
[Read More]CT ECO System Upgrades
CT ECO has received a number of upgrades this summer and there are a couple more in the pipeline. CT ECO is a system of five servers including a web server, three mapping servers, a database server, and a large storage drive. They connect to each other so that loads of Connecticut’s geographic data can […]
[Read More]New CT ECO Website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new CT ECO website!
[Read More]1934 Aerial Photography Mosaic
The 1934 Aerial Photography Mosaic created by UConn MAGIC is now on CT ECO.
[Read More]Natural Diversity Database and Aquifer Protection Areas Services
Natural Diversity Database and Aquifer Protection Areas updated services now coming from DEEP as feature layers.
[Read More]Connecticut Town Parcels
Connecticut town parcels are now available for viewing on CT ECO.
[Read More]Hillshade Raster Functions
More hillshade raster functions with different illumination angles added to the 2016 statewide elevation service and hillshade_se service.
[Read More]2019 Flight
The 2019 flight has been completed and is now on the CT ECO website!
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