ArcGIS - A geographic information system (GIS) is a system, or mapping software, for the management, analysis and display of geographic information. ArcGIS is a desktop GIS produced by the company Esri.
CAHNR - University of Connecticut College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
CLEAR - The Center for Land Use Education and Research at the University of Connecticut.
ConnDOT - Connecticut Department of Transportation
CRCOG - Capitol Region Council of Governments
CT - Abbreviation for the state of Connecticut which is one of the 50 United States.
CT ECO - Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online is a website for serving the states natural resource geographic information. It is a partnership between UConn CLEAR and CT DEEP. You are here. Look around.
DD - Decimal degrees is an option when displaying latitude and longitude coordinates.
DDM - Degrees decimal minutes is an option when displaying latitude and longitude coordinates.
DEEP - Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
DEM - A Digital Elevation Model which is a digital model or 3D representation of a surface, like the planet earth. Here, DEM refers to tiles made of pixels. The elevation values are derived from an average of the points from the Lidar point cloud that fall within the pixel. Here, DEM also assumes bare earth elevation, as opposed to surface elevation. This means the DEM shows the ground, not the top of trees or buildings.
DEMHS - Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Homeland Security
DESPP - Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
DMS - Degrees Minutes Sseconds is an option when displaying latitude and longitude coordinates.
DOT - Connecticut Department of Transportation
E - East
EPSG - stands for European Petroleum Survey Group. The group is known as the Geomatics Committee of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP). They publish a collection of definitions of coordinate reference systems and coordinate transformations and maintain an online registry of this dataset.
Esri - Environmental Systems Research Institute, a major creator of GIS and mapping software and systems.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FGDC - The Federal Geographic Data Committee
GCP - Ground Control Point
GCS - Geographic Coordinate System
GIS - Geographic Information System which is a system, or mapping software, for the management, analysis and display of geographic information.
GPS - Stands for Global Positioning System which is a network of satellites orbiting the earth. A GPS receiver uses the satellite signals to calculate position on the earth.
HUC - Hydrologic Unit Code. A hierarchical, numeric code that uniquely identifies hydrologic units. There are six levels of Hydrologic Unit Code classification: 2-digit (region), 4-digit (subregion), 6-digit (accounting unit), 8-digit (cataloguing unit), 10-digit (watershed), and 12-digit (subwatershed). (defintion taken from EPA).
img - A file format for imagery.
LAS - A file format that stands for Log ASCII Standard. Of course. It is an industry standard for storing airborne lidar points data which consists of many points called a point cloud.
LAZ - A zipped version of the LAS file (above)
Lidar - Light detection and ranging OR a portmanteau or laser and radar. It uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure variable distance which can be translated to elevation maps.
m - meter
MAGIC - University of Connecticut Libraries Map and Geographic Information Center
NAIP - National Aerial Imagery Program of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency acquires aerial imagery during the agricultural growing season.
N - North
NAD - North American Datum is the current datum in North America. A datum forms the basis for all geodetic survey. NAD is a horizontal datum that measures potion (latitude and longitude) on the earth's surface.
NAVD - North American Vertical Datum is a vertical datum that measures land elevations and water depths.
NE - Northeast
NGA - National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
NOAA - National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, part of the US Department of Commerce
NW - Northwest
NRCS - The Natural Resources Conservation Service, part o the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
OCM - Office of Coastal Management, a part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA)
OPM - Connecticut Office of Policy and Management
OS - Open Space
PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format is a file format used to present and exchange documents reliably, independent of software, hardware, or operating system. Viewing a pdf may require the free Adobe Reader software.
REST - Here, the REST endpoint for an ArcGIS Server is where the map or image services are listed and can be accessed.
S - South
SE - Southeast
Sq Mi - Square Mile
SW - Southwest
UConn - University of Connecticut
USACE - United States Army Corp of Engineers
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
USGS - United States Geologic Survey
UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator
W - West
WBD - Watershed Boundary Dataset. Defines the areal extent of surface water drainage to a point, accounting for all land and surface areas.
WGS - World Geodetic System provides a reference frame for the earth for use in geodesy and navigation. WGS84 is the latest revision.
WKID - Well Known ID. Most projected and geographic coordinate systems are defined by a well-known ID. Here is a list of geographic coordinate system WKIDs.
WMS - the OpenGIS Web Map Service Interface Standard is a way to connect to geo-registered map images over the internet.
WMTS - A Web Map Tiled Service is a WMS service that has been tiled.
XML - eXtensible Markup Language which was designed to stores and transfer data as well as be readable by humans and machines.