Connect to Map and Image Services with ArcGIS Pro

Add Services to ArcGIS Pro

Services can be added to ArcGIS Pro in at (at least) three ways: a server connection, from a path, and from registered ArcGIS Online Services.

Add Services to ArcGIS Pro: Connect to GIS Server

  • On the Insert tab, locate the Connections dropdown, scroll over Server and choose New ArcGIS Server.
  • Type in the server address, such as or Leave the other fields blank and click Ok.ArcPro_AddServer2
  • Open the Catalog pane (View tab) and locate and expand the Servers category. Then, expand the server name to see folders and services. ArcPro_AddServer4
  • Right-click over the Map Service to add it to the map. Alternatively, expand the service and right-click over a Map Layer to add it to the map. Adding as a map layer provides more options such as changing symbology. In the below example, the Geology folder is expanded and "Bedrock" is the Map Service while "Bedrock Geology" and "Bedrock Geology Contacts" are Map Layers.

map service:         map layer: 



Add Services to ArcGIS Pro: Add Data From Path

In a web browser, go to the server page. On CT ECO, the server pages are either or

  • Click on a folder and then service.

Add a Map or Service

  1. Click on a folder and then map service or image service.
  2. Copy the URL of the service (the link ends in MapServer or ImageServer).
  3. Back in ArcGIS Pro, select Add Data and then Add Data From Path. Paste the URL and click Add.

      The service, which may include multiple layers, is now part of the map and can be used as desired.

      Add a Single Map Layer from a Service

      Adding an individual map layer of a map service provides the advantages of having more options when it comes to parameters like layer order and symbology.

      1. Click on a folder and then map service or image service.
      2. Find the Layers heading. Layers are numbered starting with zero. Some services only have one layer.
      3. Click on the layer name. Notice that a number is placed at the end of the URL in the browser.
      4. Copy the URL of the layer on the browser (sure it includes the number at the end).
      5. Back in ArcGIS Pro, select Add Data and then Add Data From Path. Paste the URL and click Add.

      (map services only, not image services)

      The layer is now part of the map and can be used as desired.

      Add Services to ArcGIS Pro: ArcGIS Online


      Services that have been registered with ArcGIS Online can be added to ArcGIS Pro directly.

      1. Open the Catalog pane (View tab).
      2. Click on Portal and then the cloud icon with nothing beneath it (ArcGIS Online).
      3. To add CT ECO services, type ct eco or similar into the search.
      4. Scroll through the services and click Add to add the service to ArcGIS Pro. Note that with this method, only services can be added and not layers.

      Map Service and Map Layer Tips in ArcGIS Pro

      As explained above, vector map services can be added as a complete service or as individual map layers. The service often includes multiple layers (but doesn't have to). Adding each individual layer separately has the advantage of more options such as changing symbology, changing layer order, and viewing attribute tables.

      Map Service Tips

      • ArcPro_ExpandGroupOnce a map service is added to ArcGIS Pro, its visibility may need to be turned on by checking the checkbox checkbox.
      • Some map services are groups of layers. Expand the group in order to see the layers it contains.
      • A grayed-out checkbox means that the service does not draw at that zoom level. Zoom in or out until the checkbox is no longer gray. Alternatively, right-click over the layer and choose Zoom to Make Visible.

      The data is already symbolized in map services. When added as a map service, you can view the data and turn individual layers on and off, but you cannot change symbology or open an attribute table for any of the data layers. Add the data as individual Map Layers to access these functions.

        Map Layer Tips

        A Map Layer is when an individual layer is added from a Map Service.

        • A grayed-out checkbox means that the service does not draw at that zoom level. Zoom in or out until the checkbox is no longer gray. Alternatively, right-click over the layer and choose Zoom to Make Visible. Alternatively, change the visibility range under layer properties.
        • Right-click over the Map Layer name to access the Attribute Table, Symbology and more. Change these as if the layer was stored locally

          Image Service Tips in ArcGIS Pro

          Imagery and pixel-based elevation are served as image services on CT ECO. Image services offer specific functionality for these types of datasets.

          Image Service Options in ArcGIS Pro


          Once the image service(s) is added to ArcGIS Pro, click on the Image Service Layer tab.

          • Notice drawing options such as transparency, brightness, and contrast.
          • DRA is Dynamic Range Adjustment which, when checked, will adjust the min and max brightness values based on the view extent.
          • Use the Symbology drop-down to choose common symbology associated with the layer. Open the Symbology pane (see below) for more options like changing band combinations for imagery, applying stretches, changing color ramp, setting background values, and more.


          Under Layer Properties (right-click over the layer in the Table of Contents), find

          • Display to view and symbolize tile footprints and optionally overview tiles (see below).
          • Mosaic to change how the tiles are displayed. In most cases, the tiles are perfectly cut so the mosaic methods don't have an impact.
          • Processing Templates if any were included when the service was published. If they are present, select one from the drop-down menu to apply it to the service in the map.

            Image Services: Display Options for Viewing Footprints

            The Display option under Properties (right-click over the layer name and choose Properties) contains a checkbox to display footprints. The image services are created from a mosaic dataset which is a virtual mosaic, not a true one. Check the box to see the footprint of each tile that is part of the mosaic dataset. Primary rasters are the original tiles. The mosaic dataset also contains overviews, or images created to display the information quickly at different scales. The overviews are not primary rasters and their footprints will not be displayed if Primary rasters only is checked.

            Image Services: Symbology

            Right-click over the layer name to open the Symbology panel. Although options vary by dataset, Symbology contains different ways to change the how the image is displayed.

              • Primary symbology such as RGB, Stretch, Vector, Discrete and Classify. For elevation layers, Shaded Relief may be an option. It can be used with a grayscale color ramp to display hillshade.
              • Band combinations and stretch types for multiple band datasets.
              • Color ramp and stretch for single band dataset.

            RGB is used for multiple band images (like aerial imagery) where the true color combination or false color combination can be changed. Also notice the Stretch Type. In the statewide aerial imagery datasets, usually no stretch is needed, but feel free to try different ones.

            Stretch is often used for a single band, or gray scale. You can choose the band (if there is more than one, the color ramp, stretch and more).

            Image Services: Processing Templates

            Some image services are published with Processing Templates which are pre-made strings of raster functions designed to be applied to the base layer. They are common in elevation image services where the base elevation can be published and a processing template, such as hillshade, can be applied to change the appearance of the service.

            Visit the Raster Processing Templates: Accessing and Applying for Elevation page to learn more about services on CT ECO that include processing templates.

            • To apply a processing template to a service that has been added to ArcGIS Pro, right-click over the layer and select Properties and then Processing Templates. Choose from the drop-down to apply the template to the layer.
            • Processing templates can also be accessed by first clicking on the layer on the table of contents and then selecting the Data tab. If Processing Templates are available, the button and drop-down will be active.

            Image Services: Viewing a Tiled Service as Dynamic

            Map and Image services can be cached by the data published to improve the display speed for users. But a cached service does not have to be viewed that way! The cache can be disabled to provide dynamic access to all the image service capabilities.

            • After adding the cached or tiled service to the map in ArcGIS Pro, right-click over the layer and uncheck Use Service Cache.

            Notice that some options change. The Use Service Cache can be checked back on at any time.

            Add Services to ArcPro

            You can add services in (at least) two ways: from registered ArcGIS Online Services or from a Server Connection.

            Connect to GIS Server

            1.  On the Insert tab, locate the Connections dropdown, scroll over Server and choose New ArcGIS Server.ArcPro_AddServer
            2. Type in the server address, such as or Leave the other fields blank and click Ok.ArcPro_AddServer2
            3. Open the Catalog pane (View tab) and locate and expand the Servers category. Then, expand the server name to see folders and services. ArcPro_AddServer4
            4. Right-click over the Map Service to add it to the map. Alternatively, expand the service and right-click over a Map Layer to add it to the map. Adding as a map layer provides more options such as changing symbology. In the below example, the Geology folder is expanded and "Bedrock" is the Map Service while "Bedrock Geology" and "Bedrock Geology Contacts" are Map Layers. ArcPro_Server_ServiceandLayer_ex