Elevation Viewer Help

Have a question? Email us at clear@uconn.edu and mention the Elevation Viewer.

Moving Around the Map

Moving Around the Map


Zoom in and out of the map using the + and - tools located in the upper left hand part of the map.

To move around the map, click on the map and hold the left mouse button while dragging, then release the left mouse button. This pans the map to different areas, but does not change the zoom.

Home iconIf you get "lost" on your map, use the home button to go back to the initial extent, which is the state of Connecticut.



Layers IconViewer Layer ListThe layer list button in the upper right is one of the most useful buttons on the map. Click on it to see all the layers in the map. The layers form a stack (bottom of the list draws on the bottom of the stack) and each can be turned on and off. A check mark means the layer is turned "on" or visible (as long as no other layer higher on the list is turned on and is hiding it from view). In the graphic below, notice that Town is turned on (checked) along with the Hillshade layer. If you turned on Slope and did not turn off (un check) Hillshade, the slope would draw but not be visible because it would be hidden under the Hillshade layer.

The three dots to the right of each layer hides a menu with some useful options including:

Layer Menu

Zoom To - zooms to the extent of that layer.

Transparency - makes the layer see-through. It is a sliding scale from 0% (nothing showing through) to 100% (layer is completely transparent and therefore not visible). The illustration below shows a case where the hillshade is 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% transparent. An aerial image service is underneath the hillshade and shows through as the transparency increases.

Transparency 0% Transparency 25% Transparency 50% Transparency 75% Transparency 100%

Disable Pop-up - The pop-up is the window that opens when you click on the map. If you no longer want to see the pop-up for that particular layer but you still want to the layer to be visible (checked), then disable the pop-up.

Move Up and Move Down- Changes the order of the layers (which is also the drawing order).

View Attribute Table - Every layer has an attribute table. The attribute table for the elevation layers contains a row for each tile that make up the statewide dataset. It also contains the overview images that are what make it possible to draw so much data so quickly. Other layers will have different attribute tables depending on the features on the map (the rows) and the information about them (the columns).

Description - links to the REST endpoint of that layer. For Viewer users, this is where you can find some basic (and code-like) information about the layer, such as what server its coming from (look at the URL), the extent settings, attributes, pixel size, etc. Some layers include a detailed description, some do not.



The Viewer displays X,Y coordinates along the bottom. These coordinates reflect the location of the mouse as you move it over the map.

To find the coordinates of a s specific point, click on the  and then click on the map. 

Click on the  to change the coordinate system displayed.

Click on the Map for Pop-up Information

Clicking on the map is another way to get more information about the feature or location that you click on. The information is shown in a pop-up window and is only displayed for layers that are turned on (checked) in the layer list (see Layers above).

If a location is clicked where more than one layer exists and is turned on, multiple pop-ups are present and are revealed in the top banner. Notice on the graphic that it says (1 of 4). This means 4 results were returned at that spot and the first one is visible. To see the next, click on the right arrow in the upper right of the window. Click the little white arrow again to move through the results.


Swipe Tool

Swipe Tool

The swipe tool is a nifty way to compare layers in a map. To activate it, click the swipe icon in the lower left corner of the viewer Swipe tool. A menu opens as well as a slider. By default, the swipe will peel away the top layer that is on and show the one below it but you can adjust this in the menu. First, be sure the desired layers are checked on in the layer list. Next, use the swipe dialogue to choose the top layer to swipe, or peel away. Cool!