Moving Around the Map
Moving Around the Map
Zoom in to get a better view. Zoom in and out using the buttons or scrolling the mouse wheel in and out.
To move around the map, click on the map and hold the left mouse button while dragging, then release the left mouse button. This pans the map to different areas, but does not change the zoom.
If you get "lost" on your map, use the home button to go back to the initial extent, which is the state of Connecticut.
The layer list button in the upper right is one of the most useful buttons in the viewer. Click on it to see all the layers in the map. The layers form a stack (bottom of the list draws on the bottom of the stack) and each can be turned on and off. A check mark means the layer is turned "on" or visible (as long as no other layer higher on the list is turned on and is hiding it from view).
Scale Dependency
Some layers are scale dependent meaning that they don't draw at all scales. If a layer is grayed out, zoom in (or out) until it is no longer grayed out and will now draw on the map.
If the set scale dependencies aren't working for you, you can change them! Instructions below.
Grouped Layers
The parcels are in the viewer as a grouped layer At first, they appear as one layer in the layer list
Clicking on the small, gray arrow reveals that there are nine groups underneath for each of the nine COGs in Connecticut.
Click on the COG to see the individual Town parcel layers. The layer options, described next and found using those 3 dots (...), generally apply to either a group or an individual layer.
Layer Options
The three dots to the right of each layer hides a menu with some useful options.
Zoom To - zooms to the extent of that layer. In this viewer, it is only available for the Parcel Layer Group which is the whole state so is not particularly useful.
Transparency - makes the layer see-through. It is a sliding scale from 0% (nothing showing through) to 100% (layer is completely transparent and therefore not visible).
Disable Pop-up - The pop-up opens when you click on a feature in the map like a town, COG or parcel. The pop-up is a window into the tabular information (aka attribute table) for just that feature. Each parcel dataset has a slightly different attribute table depending on how the data was created and how much was shared with the COG and therefore OPM and therefore you, here! If you no longer want to see the pop-up for that particular layer then disable the pop-up. If it is already disabled, enable it here too.
View Attribute Table - Every layer has an attribute table. Use this option to open the table. Lots more about tables below.
Show Item Details - links to the Description Page or REST endpoint of that layer.
The Viewer displays X,Y coordinates along the bottom. These coordinates reflect the location of the mouse as you move it over the map.
To change the coordinate system that is shown, use the up arrow and make a selection. Don't see the one you want? Send us and email (contact info below).
To find the coordinates of a s specific point, click on the (lower left) and then click on the map.
. The coordinate tool freezes with the coordinates of that point.
NOTE: There is inherent error in coordinate system transformations, parcel layer creation and display, basemaps including aerial imagery and more. The map is for informational purposes only. These factors should be considered and evaluated for all applications.
Tables and Pop-ups
Tables and Pop-ups
Attribute Table
Information about each geographic feature on the map is stored in the associated table, also called an attribute table. Each geographic feature (parcel) has one row in the table.
Together, all the rows make up the town parcel dataset. The columns (aka attributes), describe each feature (parcel) in the dataset. Another way to get to the attribute table is to look for this small arrow at the bottom center of the map.
Once opened, scroll through the town tabs at the top to find the town of interest. The towns are in alphabetical order by COG. The first set of towns belongs to CRCOG, then MetroCOG, etc.
Note that there are options for filtering the town's parcels.
The Zoom to button is activated when at least one parcel (row) in the table is selected. One way to select a parcel is to click on the box text to the row (red arrow). Use the CTRL and Shift keys to select multiple rows. Once at least one row is selected, Zoom to can be used to locate the parcel(s) on the map.
The Filter by map extent button, is "on" when it is depressed and the text is blue. When on, the table will only display the features currently visible on the map. To see the complete list of features in the table, click the Filter by map extent button so that it is no longer depressed and the text is black.
Pop-ups are a window to the table. Pop-ups open when you click on a map location where at least one layer exists, is turned on and has pop-ups enabled.
If a location is clicked where more than one layer exists and is turned on, multiple pop-ups are present and are revealed in the top banner. Notice on the graphic that it says (1 of 4). This means 4 results were returned at that spot and the first one is visible. To see the next, click on the right arrow in the upper right of the window. This is more likely to happen with parcels because you are zoomed out and get multiple neighboring parcels than the issue of multiple parcels existing at the same location (although this can happen).
Pop-up to Table
A feature that is shown on a pop-up can be connected by clicking the ... and then View in Attribute Table.
Add Data
Add Data
The Add Data tool is a handy way to add other layers of interest to the map.
From ArcGIS Online. The first and possibly easiest option is to find layers that are already on ArcGIS Online. Click the small down arrow and choose ArcGIS Online. For example, search for cteco and you will find all of the registered map services provided by CT ECO. Also try searching for ct deep. Once you find a layer of interest, click Add and it will show up on the Layer List.
From URL. If you know the web address, often from a REST endpoint, of a service you'd like to add, enter it here. The drop-down also includes options for adding a URL to KML and CSV files.
File. Several formats of geographic information can be uploaded here for display on the map. Cool!