Update: 2023 Aerials and More

It is high time for a data update!

The final aerial tiles including true orthos* were delivered a few weeks ago and a statewide, final, dynamic, image service is now available on CT ECO! Find the service on the

*True orthos are tiles are ones that were selected because they contained tall buildings or bridges. They have received extra correction to avoid shadows and distortions.

What do you do with an image service?

If you are a GIS user, it is possible to connect to the service in your GIS software so that it can be used with other layers. The service can be manipulated to change the band combination, stretch, and more.

If you are not a GIS user and want to take a peak, go to the service link and then click on ArcGIS Online Map Viewer. This opens the service inside the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer where you can zoom in and out, move around, search for an address, and more.

What’s next?

Service. Although the dynamic service is the foundation of things to come, it is not the end. The next step is to create a tiled, or cached, version that will draw even faster. The tiled service will be available to users and it will be added to existing viewers like the Aerial Imagery Viewer.

Download. Once we receive the final metadata, hopefully by the end of the month, we will start packaging the 23,000+ image tiles into zip files for the download tool. If you are in dire need of image files before that, send us an email and we will do what we can to get them to you.

Elevation. We hope to receive the final elevation files in the next few weeks as well. Once that happens, we will create an elevation image service and derivative services such as hillshade, shaded relief, slope, and aspect. Following that, the elevation tiles and their metadata will be zipped and added to the download tool. Contours are also slated for delivery and will be served by the CT GIS Office. CT ECO will likely provide static download of contour blocks that are bigger than tiles but still a reasonable file size.

Other Layers. The buildings and 3D buildings should be finalized soon as well. Stay tuned for updates and info about where and how to access them.

Check back on CT ECO new for future updates and delivery news.

Aerials 2023 screenshot