The CT ECO Download tool provides download for
aerial imagery (tiles and town mosaics) and
elevation (contours, DEM tiles, and point cloud files).
Download Tool
Other Data Download Available on CT ECO
Deprecated CT ECO Download Tools
Please transition to the new download tool.
2019 Aerial Imagery
2016 Aerial Imagery and Elevation (DEM, LAS)
2012 Aerial Imagery
2023 Contours
2016 Contours
Geospatial Data Download Around Connecticut
CT Geodata Portal
The CT Geodata Portal is part of the State GIS Office at the CT of Policy and Management (OPM). The Geodata Portal includes datasets from the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), the CT Department of Transportation (DOT), CT ECO, and more. Vector data can be downloaded in a variety of formats including csv, kml, shapefile, and GeoJSON. Data categories include business, education, environment and natural resources, government, and health and human services.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP)
The CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) GIS Open Data website provides data Download of vector data a variety of formats including CSV, KML, shapefile, and GeoJSON. Data categories include bioscience, elevation & bathymetry, environmental, geoscience, hydrography, land conservation and outdoor recreation, political boundaries and more. Downloads include the natural resource and environmental data used in CT ECO such as Aquifer Protection Areas, DEEP Property, Drainage Basins, Contours, Federal Open Space, 1997 Municipal and Private Open Space, Lake Bathymetry, Natural Diversity Data Base Areas, Protected Open Space Mapping, Parcels for Protected Open Space Mapping, and Water Quality Classifications.
Many of the datasets available from CT DEEP area also available on the State GeoData Portal.

Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT)
The CT Department of Transportation (DOT) GIS Open Data website provides download in CSV, KML, shapefile, and GeoJSON. Data categories include highway assets, boundaries, crash, roadways, transit and roadway projects.
DOT Crash Data Dashboards from the CT Transportation Safety Research Center at UConn.
Download and view other Transportation Related Mapping at CT DOT.
Many of the datasets available from CT DOT area also available on the State GeoData Portal.

Connecticut State Data Center
The Connecticut State Data Center at the Connecticut Data Collaborative is the State’s lead organization in the U.S. Census Bureau’s State Data Center Program for Connecticut and is the state’s official source for census data. The Data Find Census data, tools, and learn more.

UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR)
The UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) creates and provides Connecticut land cover, maps and services, story maps, and map viewers. Visit the CLEAR website for more information.

Connecticut State Library
The Connecticut State Library maintains 1934, 1951-2, 1965, 1970, 1977, 1980, 1985-6, 1990, and 1995 statewide aerial photograph collections and additional smaller collections. All are “secured collections” that are retrieved by library staff and which must be used in the Library. The 1934, 1938, 1965, 1991, and 2004 aerial photos are also available online.

UConn Map and Geographic Information Center (UConn MAGIC)
The UConn Map and Geographic Information Center (UConn MAGIC) is part of the UConn library and contains a collection of historic maps, photography and digital spatial data. MAGIC makes much of this information and more available as GIS data downloads and services. Interactive map viewers also provide online access.