Connecticut Broadband Availability Map

The Connecticut Broadband Availability Map was created to help citizens and policymakers understand the strengths and weaknesses of broadband infrastructure in the state. The broadband maps are being published as required under An Act Concerning Equitable Access to Broadband (PA 21-159). OPM collected broadband availability and adoption data from internet service providers in the state and developed the state’s first broadband availability and adoption maps. Data is aggregated to the block, tract, and town (county subdivision) levels and includes counts of locations classified as unserved, underserved, and served as well as whether they meet the state goal of 1000Mbps/100Mbps. This application splits its visualizations into block, tract, and town layers for both unserved locations and progress to the state goal.

The Connecticut Broadband Mapping Hub provides transparency in the State of Connecticut’s efforts to promote universal broadband access and provide access curated data sources on broadband access and adoption.