Hi CT GIS Community:
This is Carl Zimmerman (GIS Coordinator) from the CT GIS Office, and I wanted to give you a quick update on the 2023 imagery acquisition that many of you are wondering about. After some technical and quality delays around the many buy-ups of this complicated and high-resolution data capture (e.g., Imagery, LiDAR, elevation, and GIS products (such as 3d buildings)), we have a firm schedule.
Imagery will be delivered in four blocks this Spring, and the Lidar and GIS products will follow approximately two months behind the imagery in a similar pattern. Expect to see some draft imagery from CT ECO starting in early Spring and more added over the following few months. Lidar, elevation, and GIS Products will come late in the Spring and early Summer.
For us to have the best quality for this very large data set(s), four critical steps need to be finished: 1) the imagery data will be QA/QC’d by an internal subcontractor for the Vendor; 2) the GIS Office and GIS Community will review it; 3) the identified errors will be corrected by the Vendor; and 4) the finished data will be put into web services or downloadable format for you to consume. Please be patient as we get moving on this large and detailed project. More updates to follow on our progress.
Finally, I will be reaching out to some of you in December and the early Winter for your assistance in reviewing the data. If interested in helping with this large project let Alfredo Herrera or myself know.