Map and Image Services are a means of dynamically accessing GIS data over the Internet. This is an advanced section of the CT ECO website meant for GIS software users interested in using services from CT ECO with their own GIS software and geographic data.
Scroll down the list of aerial imagery and elevation.
Notice that most Map Services contain multiple layers. After adding the map service to your GIS, expand the group and turn on (check) the data layers.
Base Map (Connecticut)
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
- Geographic Names Metadata
- Geographic Place Name Metadata
- Airport Metadata
- Railroad Metadata
- Routes and Streets Data Guide | Metadata
- County Metadata
- Town Metadata
- State Line
- Waterbodies Metadata
- Hydrography
Base Map (Bordering States)
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
- Town (MA, NY, RI) Metadata
- Connecticut Vicinity State Lines (MA, NY, RI)
Critical Habitat
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Critical Habitats Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Wetlands Functions 2010
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
- Freshwater Forest and Shrub Wetlands
- Freshwater Emergent Wetland
- Other Freshwater Wetland
- Estuarine and Marine Wetlands
- Estuarine and Marine Deep Water
- Freshwater Ponds
- Lakes
- Riverine
- CT NWI Explained
Natural Diversity Database
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
OLD (as of June 2021) Server URL:
As of June 2021, the Natural Diversity Database map service on CT ECO will not be updated. Use the Feature Server URL from DEEP for the most updated data.
Layer List
Natural Diversity Database Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
Tidal Wetlands 1970s
Server URL:
Layer List
Tidal Wetlands 1970s Metadata
Tidal Wetlands 1990s
Server URL:
Layer List
Tidal Wetlands 1990s Metadata
Impervious Surface 2012
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Impervious Surface 2012 CT State Plane
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Impervious Surface 2012 Simplified Vector CT State Plane
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Impervious 2012 Simplified Vector (State Plane) Metadata | Download
Includes road surface, buildings and other impervious.
MS4 Layers
2012 Impervious Cover by Town and Basin
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Impervious Cover by Basin Data Guide
Impervious Cover by Town
The attribute table includes total impervious area and percentages as well as area and percentage each for each class of buildings, roads and other impervious.
More about MS4
2016 MS4 Impaired Waters
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
CT 2016 MS4 Impaired Rivers Data Guide | Metadata | Download | Layer Link
CT 2016 MS4 Impaired Lakes Data Guide | Metadata | Download | Layer Link
CT 2016 MS4 Impaired Estuaries Data Guide | Metadata | Download | Layer Link
Contains rivers, lakes and streams included in the Connecticut Integrated Water Quality report as being impaired for stormwater runoff related causes.
More about MS4
2018 MS4 Impaired Waters
Server URL:
Layer List
CT 2018 MS4 Impaired Rivers Data Guide | Metadata | Download | Layer Link
CT 2018 MS4 Impaired Lakes Data Guide | Metadata | Download | Layer Link
CT 2018 MS4 Impaired Estuaries Data Guide | Metadata | Download | Layer Link
Contains rivers, lakes and streams included in the Connecticut Integrated Water Quality report as being impaired for stormwater runoff related causes.
More about MS4
2020 MS4 Impaired Waters
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
CT 2020 MS4 Impaired Rivers Data Guide | Metadata | Download | Layer Link
CT 2020 MS4 Impaired Lakes Data Guide | Metadata | Download | Layer Link
CT 2020 MS4 Impaired Estuaries Data Guide | Metadata | Download | Layer Link
Contains rivers, lakes and streams included in the Connecticut Integrated Water Quality report as being impaired for stormwater runoff related causes.
More about MS4
Urbanized Area
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Urbanized Area
Councils of Governments
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Councils of Government
MS4 Towns
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
MS4 Towns
More about MS4
Coastal Management
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Coastal Boundary Metadata
Coastal Area Metadata
Eelgrass Beds 2002-2012
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Eelgrass Beds 2002 Field Data Metadata | Polygon Metadata
Eelgrass Beds 2006 Field Data Metadata | Polygon Metadata
Eelgrass Beds 2009 Field Data Metadata | Polygon Metadata
Eelgrass Beds 2012 Polygon Metadata
CT Hurricane Evacuation Zones 2014
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Hurricane Evacuation Zones 2014 Metadata
Hurricane Surge Inundation 2012
CT DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Hurricane Surge Inundation Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
Long Island Sound Environmental Observation
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Long Island Sound Observation Locations More Info
Sea Level Rise
Average Monthly Maximum Inundation Server URL (map service):
Mean High Water Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Average Monthly Maximum Inundation More Info
- Average Monthly Maximum Inundation
- Average Monthly Maximum Inundation (+ 6 in)
- Average Monthly Maximum Inundation (+ 12 in)
- Average Monthly Maximum Inundation (+ 18 in)
- Average Monthly Maximum Inundation (+ 24 in)
- Average Monthly Maximum Inundation (+ 36 in)
- Average Monthly Maximum Inundation (+ 60 in)
- Average Monthly Maximum Inundation (+ 79 in)
Mean High Water Scenarios More Info
- Mean High Water Inundation
- Mean High Water Inundation (+ 6 in)
- Mean High Water Inundation (+ 12 in)
- Mean High Water Inundation (+ 18 in)
- Mean High Water Inundation (+ 24 in)
- Mean High Water Inundation (+ 36 in)
- Mean High Water Inundation (+ 60 in)
- Mean High Water Inundation (+ 79 in)
Shoreline Change
Short Term Shoreline Change Server URL (map service):
Long Term Shoreline Change Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Short Term Change More Info
- Shoreline Change Transects 1983-2006
- Net Shoreline Movement (NSM) 1983-2006
- Positive Net Shoreline Movement (meters)
- Negative Net Shoreline Movement (meters)
- End Point Rates (EPR) 1983-2006
- Postive End Point Rates (meters/year)
- Negative End Point Rates (meters/year)
- CT Shorelines: 1983-2006
Long Term Change More Info
- Shoreline Change Transects 1880-2006
- Net Shoreline Movement (NSM) 1880-2006
- Positive Net Shoreline Movement (meters)
- Negative Net Shoreline Movement (meters)
- End Point Rates (EPR) 1880-2006
- Positive End Point Rates (meters/year)
- Negative End Point Rates (meters/year)
- Linear Regression Rates (LRR) 1880-2006
- Positive Linear Regression Rates (meters/year)
- Negative Linear Regression Rates (meters/year)
- CT Shorelines: 1880s-2006
Storm Sandy
Damage Assessments Server URL (map service):
Impact Analysis Server URL (map service):
Surge Data Server URL (map service):
Water Level URL (map service):
Wind Data URL (map service):
Layer List
Damage Assessments More Info
- v16_2012_11_06_1600EST
- v17_2012_11_07_1320EST
- v18_2012_11_08_1940EST
- v19_2012_11_09_1715EST
- v20_2012_11_10_1800EST
- v21_2012_11_12_1600EST
- v22_2012_11_13_1340EST
- v23_2012_11_14_1250EST
- v26_2012_11_19_2000EST
- v27_2012_11_21_2000EST
Impact Analysis More Info
- Hurricane Sandy Impacts Analysis - 11-26-12
- Hurricane Sandy Impact Analysis - 11-06-12
Surge Data More Info
- Hi-Res Surge
- Water Surface Elevations
Water Level More Info
- Peak Locations
- USGS High Water Marks
- Storm Sensor Network
Wind Data More Info
- AL182012- H* Wind Analysis-MaxSpeed
- AL182012- H* Wind Analysis-MaxDirection
- AL182012_1028_0130
- AL182012_1028_0430
- AL182012_1028_0730
- AL182012_1028_1030
- AL182012_1028_1330
- AL182012_1028_1630
- AL182012_1028_1930
- AL182012_1028_2230
- AL182012_1029_0130
- AL182012_1029_0430
- AL182012_1029_0730
- AL182012_1029_1030
- AL182012_1029_1330
- AL182012_1029_1502
- AL182012_1029_1630
- AL182012_1029_1930
- AL182012_1029_2230
- AL182012_1030_0130
- AL182012_1030_0430
- AL182012_1030_0730
Bedrock Geology
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Bedrock Geology Contacts Metadata
Bedrock Geology Metadata
Bedrock Terrane
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Bedrock Terrane Contacts Metadata
Bedrock Terrane Metadata
Erosion Susceptibility
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Erosion Susceptibility Sites Metadata
Erosion Susceptibility Data Guide | Metadata
Quaternary Geology
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Quaternary Geology Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf
- Quaternary Geology Point Features Metadata
- Quaternary Geology Line Features Metadata
- Quaternary Geology Overlays
- Quaternary Geology Deposits
Long Island Sound Quaternary Geology
Surficial Aquifer Potential
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Surficial Aquifer Potential Metadata
Surficial Aquifer Texture
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Surficial Aquifer Texture Metadata
Surficial Materials
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Surficial Materials Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Hydrography Line Metadata | Polygon Metadata
Named Waterbody
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Named Waterbody Line Metadata | Polygon Metadata
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Waterbody Line Metadata | Polygon Metadata
CT Land Cover and Change
Server URL (map service):
More about CT Land Cover
Layer List
Each service contains multiple layers. The last layer is the full land cover. Other layers contain a subset of classes that are redundant with the full land cover layer. When in doubt, use the full land cover layer.
CT 1985 Land Cover (CTlandcover1985) Metadata
CT 1990 Land Cover (CTlandcover1990) Metadata
CT 1995 Land Cover (CTlandcover1995) Metadata
CT 2002 Land Cover (CTlandcover2002) Metadata
CT 2006 Land Cover (CTlandcover2006) Metadata
CT 2010 Land Cover (CTlandcover2010) Metadata
CT 2015 Land Cover (CTlandcover2015) Metadata
These services contain two layers. One includes both change and no change classes (called All Classes) and one includes only change classes (called Change classes only).
CT Land Cover Change To 1985-2015 (CTchangeTo1985_2015)
CT Land Cover Change From 1985-2015 (CTchangeFrom1985_2015)
This is a Connecticut town layer with an attribute for area and percent of each land cover class including change. The layers in the service (Forest, Forest Change, Ag. Field, Ag. Field Change, Developed, Developed Change, Turf and Grass, Turf and Grass Change) have been symboloized using the appropriate attribute. The Town Stats layer is an outline and includes all attributes. In the attributes, "a" stands for "acres," "p" stands for percent, the year is either 1985, 2015, or 1985-2015 change "8515." Class numbers are listed on the classes page. For example, the attribute a1985_1 is acres in 1985 of class 1, developed.
CT Land Cover Town Statistics (ByTown)
CT NOAA High Resolution Land Cover (CCAP_Landcover2016_1m)
CT Forest Fragmentation
Server URL (map service):
More about Forest Fragmentation
Layer List
The forest fragmentation services contain two layers. The Forest Fragmentation layer includes all classes while the Core Forest layer is just the Core Forest classes.
CT 1985 Forest Fragmentation (CTforestfrag1985)
CT 2015 Forest Fragmentation (CTforestfrag2015)
Long Island Sound Watershed (LIS) Land Cover and Change
Server URL (map service):
More about Long Island Sound Watershed Land Cover
Layer List
Each service contains multiple layers. The last layer is the full land cover. Other layers contain a subset of classes that are redundant with the full land cover layer. When in doubt, use the full land cover layer.
LIS 1985 Land Cover (LISlandcover1985)
LIS 1990 Land Cover (LISlandcover1990)
LIS 1995 Land Cover (LISlandcover1995)
LIS 2002 Land Cover (LISlandcover2002)
LIS 2006 Land Cover (LISlandcover2006)
LIS 2010 Land Cover (LISlandcover2010)
LIS 2015 Land Cover (LISlandcover2015)
These services contain two layers. One includes change and no change classes (called All Classes) and one includes only change classes (called Change classes only).
LIS Land Cover Change To 1985-2015 (LISchangeTo1985_2015)
LIS Land Cover Change From 1985-2015 (LISchangeFrom1985_2015)
This is a HUC12 watershed layer with an attribute for area and percent of each land cover class including change. The layers in the service (Forest, Forest Change, Ag. Field, Ag. Field Change, Developed, Developed Change, Turf and Grass, Turf and Grass Change) have been symbolized using the appropriate attribute. The Basin Stats layer is an outline and includes all attributes. In the attributes, "a" stands for "acres," "p" stands for percent, the year is either 1985, 2015, or 1985-2015 change "8515." Class numbers are listed on the classes page. For example, the attribute a1985_1 is acres in 1985 of class 1, developed.
The service also contains Percent Impervious layers where a land-cover based impervious estimate is included. Learn more.
LIS Land Cover Basin Statistics (ByBasin)
Long Island Sound Watershed (LIS) Riparian Area Land Cover and Change
Server URL (map service):
More about Riparian Land Cover
Layer List
LIS 1985 Riparian Area Land Cover (LIS_riparian_landcover1985)
LIS 2015 Riparian Area Land Cover (LIS_riparian_landcover2015)
LIS Riparian Area Land Cover Change 1985-2015 (LIS_riparian_change1985_2015)
LIS Riparian Area Boundary (LIS_riparian)
1997 Municipal and Private Open Space
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
1997 Municipal and Private Open Space Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
DEEP Property
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
DEEP Property Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
DOT Scenic Land Strips
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
DOT Scenic Land Strips Data Guide
Federal Open Space 1997
Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Federal Open Space 1997 Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
Protected Open Space Mapping
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Protected Open Space Mapping Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
Parcels for Protected Open Space Mapping
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Protected Open Space Mapping Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
CT Parcels (2023 data collect)
This service is an aggregation of municipal parcels (both their geometry and attributes) collected by the CT GIS Office of the Office of Policy and Management in 2023. After collection, extensive GIS work standardized the municipal datasets into a single layer.
Server URL for feature service:
Layer List
CT Parcels More info on CT ECO | More info on the CT Geodata Portal
CT Parcels (2020 data collect)
This service is an aggregation of municipal parcels collected by the CT GIS Office of the Office of Policy and Management in 2020.
Server URL for cached service:
Server URL for map service:
Server URL for feature service:
Layer List
CT Parcels Parcel Report (xls).xlsx | More info
An updated statewide parcel layer can be found on the CT Geodata Portal.
Parcels for Protected Open Space Mapping (2003-2010)
Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Protected Open Space Mapping Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
Administrative Boundary Index
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
USGS Topographic Quadrangle Index Metadata Metadata
Regional Councils of Government Index Metadata
US Congress District Index Metadata
House District Index Metadata
County Index Metadata
Town Index Metadata
Connecticut Towns
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Town Line Metadata
Town Polygon Metadata
Northeast US Boundaries
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Northeast State Line Metadata
Northeast State Polygon Metadata
Northeast County Line
Northeast County Polygon
Northeast Town Line
Northeast Town Polygon
Northeast US Boundary Index
Server URL:
Layer List
Northeast State Line Metadata
Northeast State Polygon Metadata
Northeast County Line
Northeast County Polygon
Northeast Town Line
Northeast Town Polygon
All Soils
CT DEEP Server URL (feature service):
updated on CT ECO December 2023
OLD CT ECO Server URL (map service):
please transition to using the DEEP URL
Layer List
Farmland Soils
CT DEEP Server URL (feature service):
updated on CT ECO December 2023
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
please transition to using the CT DEEP URL
Layer List
Hydric Soils Rating
CT DEEP Server URL (feature service):
updated on CT ECO December 2023
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
please transition to using the DEEP URL
Layer List
Inland Wetland Soils
CT DEEP Server URL (feature service):
updated on CT ECO December 2023
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
please transition to using the DEEP URL
Layer List
Potential for Subsurface Disposal Systems
CT DEEP Server URL (feature service):
updated on CT ECO December 2023
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
please transition to using the DEEP URL
Layer List
Potential for Subsurface Disposal Systems More Info | Metadata
Soils Drainage Class
CT DEEP Server URL (feature service):
updated on CT ECO December 2023
Layer List
Soil Flooding Class
Please use FEMA National Flood Hazard Layers (NFHL) for flooding related layers
Learn more about the layers on the FEMA NFHL website.
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
please transition to using the FEMA NFHL, above
Soil Parent Material
CT DEEP Server URL (feature service):
updated on CT ECO December 2023
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
please transition to using the DEEP URL
Layer List
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Basins Data Guide | Line Metadata | Polygon Metadata | Direction Metadata
Visit Watersheds Explained for more information about these watersheds and others on CT ECO.
Local Basins
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Local Basins Data Guide | Line Metadata | Polygon Metadata | Direction Metadata
Visit Watersheds Explained for more information about these watersheds and others on CT ECO.
Subregional Basins
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Subregional Basins Data Guide|Line Metadata|Polygon Metadata|Direction Metadata
Visit Watersheds Explained for more information about these watersheds and others on CT ECO.
Regional Basins
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Regional Basins Data Guide | Line Metadata | Polygon Metadata
Visit Watersheds Explained for more information about these watersheds and others on CT ECO.
Major Basins
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Major Basins Data Guide | Line Metadata | Polygon Metadata
Visit Watersheds Explained for more information about these watersheds and others on CT ECO.
Watershed Boundary Dataset Hydrologic Units (HUC)
Server URL HUC12 (map service):
Server URL HUC10 (map service):
Server URL HUC8 (map service):
Layer List
Watershed Boundary Dataset Hydrologic Units Line Metadata | Polygon Metadata
- HUC 12
- HUC 10
- HUC 8
![]() HUC12 |
![]() HUC10 |
![]() HUC8 |
Visit Watersheds Explained for more information about these watersheds and others on CT ECO.
Aquifer Protection Areas
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
OLD (as of June 2021) CT ECO Server URL (map service):
As of June 2021, the Aquifer Protection Area map service on CT ECO will not be updated. Use the Feature Server URL from DEEP for the most updated data.
Layer List
Aquifer Protection Area Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf | Metadata
Assessed and Impaired Waterbodies 2022
Server URL Impaired Waterbodies:
Server URL Assessed Waterbodies:
Layer List

CT 303(d) Impaired Waterbodies 2022
- Impaired River 2022
- Impaired Lake 2022
- Impaired Estuary 2022
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2022
- Assessed River 2022
- Assessed Lake 2022
- Assessed Estuary 2022
Assessed and Impaired Waterbodies 2020
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
CT 303(d) Impaired Waterbodies 2020
- Impaired River 2020
- Impaired Lake 2020
- Impaired Estuary 2020
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2020
Assessed and Impaired Waterbodies 2018
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
CT 303(d) Impaired Waterbodies 2018
- Impaired River 2018
- Impaired Lake 2018
- Impaired Estuary 2018
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2018
Assessed Waterbodies 2018
DEEP Server URL (feature service):
Old CT ECO Server URL (map service:
Layer List
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2018
- Assessed River 2018
- Assessed Lake 2018
- Assessed Estuary 2018
Assessed and Impaired Waterbodies 2016
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
CT 303(d) Impaired Waterbodies 2016
- Impaired River 2016
- Impaired Lake 2016
- Impaired Estuary 2016
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2016
Assessed and Impaired Waterbodies 2014
Layer List
CT 303(d) Impaired Waterbodies 2014
- Impaired River 2014
- Impaired Lake 2014
- Impaired Estuary 2014
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2014
Assessed and Impaired Waterbodies 2012
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
CT 303(d) Impaired Waterbodies 2012
- Impaired River 2012
- Impaired Lake 2012
- Impaired Estuary 2012
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2012
Assessed and Impaired Waterbodies 2010
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
CT 303(d) Impaired Waterbodies 2010
- Impaired River 2010
- Impaired Lake 2010
- Impaired Estuary 2010
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2010 Data Guide
Assessed and Impaired Waterbodies 2008
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
CT 303(d) Impaired Waterbodies 2008
- Impaired River 2008
- Impaired Lake 2008
- Impaired Estuary 2008
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2008 Data Guide
Assessed and Impaired Waterbodies 2006
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
CT 303(d) Impaired Waterbodies 2006 Data Guide
- Impaired River 2006
- Impaired Lake 2006
- Impaired Estuary 2006
CT 305(b) Assessed Waterbodies 2006 Data Guide
Water Quality Classifications
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Water Quality Data Guide | Resource Guide.pdf
Ground Water Quality
- Ground Water Quality Well
- Ground Water Quality Metadata
Aerial Imagery
2023 Spring 4 band, 3inch
Server URL for dynamic image service:
Server URL for cached service:
Layer List

2023 Spring Imagery Metadata (xml format) | Download
More about the 2023 flight
2019 Spring 4 band, 6inch
Server URL for dynamic image service:
This service has a stretch applied for better viewing. Change to NIR or remove stretch with raster functions in ArcGIS Online, ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro.
Server URL for cached service:
help: dynamic vs tiled/cached service
Server URL for 4-band dynamic service:
This service is the original, 4-band imagery and is best for connecting in a GIS.
Layer List

2019 Spring Imagery Metadata | Download
More about the 2019 flight
2016 Spring 4 band, 3inch
Server URL for dynamic image service:
Server URL for cached image service:
help: dynamic vs tiled/cached service
Layer List

2016 Spring Imagery Metadata | Download
More about the 2016 flight
2012 Spring 4 band, 1ft
Server URL for dynamic image service:
Server URL for cached image service:
Layer List

2012 Spring Imagery Data Guide | Metadata | Download
More about the 2012 flight
2004 Spring, black & white, 1ft
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
2004 Spring Black and White Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
1990 Spring, black & white, 1m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
1990 Spring Black and White Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
2023 NAIP Summer, 4 band, 0.3m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2023 NAIP Summer Imagery
Capture dates: The eastern part of the state was captured in September and the western part of the state was captured in late October and November. Visit the USDA NAIP 2023 Connecticut Image Dates for specifics.
For more about NAIP, visit the NAIP Geohub.
2021 NAIP Summer, 4 band, 0.6m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2021 NAIP Summer Imagery
Capture dates: The eastern part of the state was captured in September and the western part of the state was captured in late October and November. Visit the USDA NAIP 2021 Connecticut Image Dates service for specifics.
For more about NAIP, visit the NAIP Geohub.
2018 NAIP Summer, 4 band, 0.6m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2018 NAIP Summer Imagery Metadata (txt file)
2016 NAIP Summer, 4 band, 0.6m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2016 NAIP Summer Imagery Metadata (txt file)
2014 NAIP Summer, 4 band, 1m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2014 NAIP Summer Imagery Metadata (txt file)
2012 NAIP Summer, 4 band, 1m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2012 NAIP Summer Imagery Data Guide | Metadata (txt file)
2010 NAIP Summer, 4 band, 1m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2010 NAIP Summer Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
2008 NAIP Summer, 4 band, 1m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2008 NAIP Summer Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
2006 NAIP Summer Imagery, 3 band, 1m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
2006 NAIP Summer Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
1934 Scanned Aerial Photography Mosaic
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
1934 Scanned Aerial Photography Mosaic More Info
2017 Eastern Coast, 4 band, 1ft
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2016 Coastal Summer, 4 band, 6inch
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2016 Coastal Summer Aerial Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
2010 Coastal Summer, 4 band, 1m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List

2010 Coastal Summer Aerial Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
2005 Coastal Summer Infrared, 3 band, 1ft
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
2005 Coastal Summer Infrared Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
2004 Coastal Summer, 4 band, 1m
Server URL (image service): Color
Server URL (image service): Infrared
Layer List

2004 Coastal Summer Imagery Data Guide | Color Metadata | Infrared Metadata
2004 Coastal Summer Infrared, 3 band, 0.5m
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
2004 Coastal Summer Infrared Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
2009 CRCOG Spring, color, 3"
Server URL:
Layer List
2009 CRCOG Spring Aerial Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
2008 Urban Area, Spring, color, 1ft
Server URL:
Layer List
2008 Urban Area Spring Aerial Imagery Data Guide | Metadata
Aspect (Statewide 2023)
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
Aspect DEM Metadata xml
Elevation Explained
Under the Hood - Aspect
More about the 2023 flight
Hillshade (Statewide 2023)
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
Hillshade DEM Metadata xml
Elevation Explained
Under the Hood - Hillshade
Apply Raster Functions to Change Hillshade Illumination
More about the 2023 flight
Shaded Relief (Statewide 2023)
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
Shaded Relief DEM Metadata xml
Elevation Explained
Under the Hood - Shaded Relief
More about the 2023 flight
Shaded Relief no Adjustment (Statewide 2023)
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
Shaded Relief (no adjustment) DEM Metadata xml
Elevation Explained
Under the Hood - Shaded Relief
More about the 2023 flight
Slope (Statewide 2023)
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
Elevation Explained
Under the Hood - Slope
More about the 2023 flight
Elevation (Statewide 2023)
Server URL (image service):
Server URL for use with raster functions (image service):
Layer List
Elevation Metadata xml | Download (use download tool)
More about the 2023 flight
Contours (2023)
Server URL (map service): Coming soon from the CT GIS Office on the CT Geodata Portal
Layer List
Contours (2016)
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
2016 Contours Metadata (2016 Lidar)
Statewide, 1 foot contours created from the 2016 Lidar are served as a tiled service and a dynamic service with labels. The tiled service is signficantly faster.
Aspect, Hillshade, Shaded Relief, Slope
The 2016 elevation derivatives including aspect, hillshade, shaded relief, and slope are no long published as separate services but can be access using Processing Templates included with the Statewide 2016 service. Visit the Raster Processing Templates: Accessing and Applying for Elevation page for more information and how to apply them.
More about the 2016 flight
Elevation (Statewide 2016)
Server URL (image service):
Server URL for use with raster functions (image service):
Layer List
More about the 2016 flight
Central Connecticut Elevation 2014
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
Central 2014 More Information
Raster functions available to apply hillshade, shaded relief, slope and aspect to the DEM.
Coastal Connecticut Elevation 2012
Server URL (image server):
Layer List
Coastal 2012 More Information
Raster functions available to apply hillshade, shaded relief, slope and aspect to the DEM.
Northwest Connecticut Elevation 2011
Server URL (image server):
Layer List
Northwest 2011 More Information
Raster functions available to apply hillshade, shaded relief, slope and aspect to the DEM.
Eastern Connecticut Elevation 2010
Server URL (image server):
Layer List
East 2010 More Information
Raster functions available to apply hillshade, shaded relief, slope and aspect to the DEM.
Southwest Connecticut Elevation 2011
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
Southwest 2011 More Information
Raster functions available to apply hillshade, shaded relief, slope and aspect to the DEM.
Southeast Connecticut Elevation 2011
Server URL (image service):
Layer List
Southeast 2011 More Information
Raster functions available to apply hillshade, shaded relief, slope and aspect to the DEM.
Contours (2000)
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Contours (2000) Data Guide
Lake Bathymetry
Server URL (map service):
Layer List
Lake Bathymetry Data Guide
Lake Bathymetry Contours (2000) Metadata
Lake Bathymetry Poly Metadata
The two servers on CT ECO are
- CTMAPS for map services
- CTRASTER for imagery